Ronald Clegg
Ronald Clegg majored in photography at the College of Creative Studies in Detroit. He has experimented in molecular landscapes at Wayne State University. For over twenty years, Clegg has worked professionally in small product advertising, architectural interiors, portraits, high school and college sports and other commissioned projects and special events. Clegg is a member of the Greater Detroit Camera Club Council, and previous President of the Photographic Guild. He is involved in The Detroit Shutterbugs, The National Association of Photoshop Professionals and the Photographic Society of America. Clegg’s images have been exhibited at Detroit Artists Market, The Lawrence Street Gallery, The Live Coal Gallery, The Carr Center, Great Britain, Canada, The Republic of Ireland, Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia, Argentina, France and China. He is the owner of Magic Moments Sports Photography and Ridgedale Creative Studio.
Clegg likes to make images that make others say: "you're not supposed to do that," "you can't do that," or "it does not work that way.” He creates these images in formats from digital, 35 mm, to 4x5 view cameras.
Caught Up
16 in x 20 in